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Active Voice

English - English Grammar & Composition - Active Voice

1. Active Voice( কর্তৃবাচ্য ): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject সক্রিয় হয়ে কোন কাজ সম্পাদন করে তখন তাকে Active Voice বলে ।

যেমন :

I eat rice.

He writes a letter.

Fateha reads a book.

We are playing football.

Content added By
The stranger deceives me
The stranger has deceived me
THe stranger deceived me
THe stranger had deceived me
Guests will wear evening dress
Guests will be worn evening dress
Guests will worn evening dress
None of the above
Someone burnt the ship.
Fire burnt the ship.
Fire burns the ship.
Someone burnt the ship.
The stranger deceives me
The stranger has deceived me
The stranger decived me
The stranger had deceived me
I have loss my pen
I have losted my pen
I had losted my pen
I have lost my pen

আরও দেখুন...

